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The Czech Technical Unversity in Prague started a training program for outgoing students – a series of training that would ensure students’ preparedness in topics such as stress management of culture shock.

In the first session, students discussed their motivation to study abroad together with ambassadors – students who already finished Erasmus study abroad in different countries. Students were divided into several groups to mingle and ask questions to ambassadors or share some fears they already face. About 120 students participated which did show the importance of this topic.

The second session was focused on Stress management. How to recognise the existence of stress? What do we see as stressors? What are the coping strategies? These are only examples of questions students were talking about during this session.

The third session explained the term culture shock and how it can influence our understanding of different cultures. Students learnt how to manage the culture shock and challenges that may arise while studying abroad. Trainers talked about Culture itself, how to take care of ourselves through a healthy lifestyle or asking for professional help. They also experienced some relaxing techniques and had the opportunity to share and discuss some experiences with different culture specifics they had already come across abroad.

Two sessions left. In the next session, we will take a look at the topic of Mental health. Students will for instance learn how to recognise and distinguish between depression and anxiety.

The last session will be focused on action planning and possible crises and will be a sum up before going abroad.

We are pleased to see that our students value these training courses and try to incorporate all ideas they share with us in feedback to ensure as highest positive impact possible in terms of their preparedness.