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Project results

Educational program – workshops, videos, webinars

The training programme is the main output of our project. The aim of the programme is to develop a series of educational activities (presentational workshops, educational and motivational videos, online webinars, articles etc.) that will help the staff of the international departments of European universities to prepare students for going abroad.

Online counselling for students

Another key output of our project is online counselling program. The main goal of the counselling program is to support students throughout the entire duration of Erasmus+ mobility – from the preparation for departure to reintegration after returning home. The counselling program consists of the series of informational e-mails which are divided into the three parts – before, during and after mobility – and sent to students on the appropriate timeline.

E-mails cover useful information about studying abroad, e.g., mobility process, finding accommodation and – most importantly – focus on student psychological preparation and wellbeing with topics on stress management, cultural adaptation, work-rest balance and many others. A separate part is dedicated for resources and useful contacts to ensure that students are assisted when further help or information is necessary. The content of each e-mail includes general information and insights collected from international officers, students with mobility experience and psychologists, therefore, can be applied by all higher education institutions.


The third project result is the program’s handbook for the employees of the university’s international department. It will be a booklet containing information about all the outputs together with the information on how to employ them at any European university. The goal of the handbook is to serve as a manual on how to approach the online counselling service, how to train employees and students so that they are able to provide advice and support to outgoing students in need and how to use the materials which will be freely available on the project’s webpage.

The handbook will include a manual on how to implement the program using the preparatory activities for the outgoing students at their respektive universities. There will also be a manual how to administer the project’s webpage so that the employees might update the posted information based on the current development of risks associated with the mobilities of their students.


The project website addresses the need to make project-related materials available to all students. We decided to create this resource because we see the importance of prioritising the digitisation of educational materials and we aim to make all project-related materials available online. The main content of the website will be the online part of the educational programme for students and the supplementary materials to this educational programme.